

Two days ago I was watching an horror film when I decided go to my bedroom to sleep. While I was opening the door, I saw a strange form on my bed.When I turned on the light and I saw a ''thing''.
It was small, fat, with big feet, small legs, male, multicoloured, big hands, without clothes, pig tail, her head was folating on her shoulder, her arms was bouncing.
I couldn't belive it but it was there! He talked to me, he said:
- Hi earthline! our planet is going to conquest your planet.
Then I asked some questions:
- Why do you conquest our planet?
- Because you are damaging the planet with your greed and we save the planet killing you the humans then  we will save the planet.
-Ok... What is your name?
-That's not you business
- What is the name of your planet?
-The  name of my planet is Gliese
After that the alien showed off a raygunbut I reacted quickly and I stepped on the alien and I killed him.